73 aa (ah'-ah) a type of rough lava ae (eye) yes aikane (eye-kah'-nay) friend akamai (ah-kah'-my) smart/ clever alii (ah-lee'-ee) chief ala (ah-lah) road or pathway aloha (ah-loh'-hah) welcome/ love/ greetings/ farewell aole (ah-oh'-lay) no auwe (ow-way') too bad/ oh damn/ ouch ewa (eh'-vah) toward Ewa/ westerly direction hale (hah'-lay) house haole (hah'-oh-lay) Caucasian/ foreigner hapa (hah-pah) half hapa haole (hah-pah hah'-oh-lay) half-Caucasian heiau (hey-ee-ow') temple hele on (hey'-lay own) hip/ with it holo holo (ho'-low ho'-low) to visit holoku (ho'-loh-koo) long fitted dress with a train hoomalimali (ho-oh-mah-lee-mah-lee) flattery/ blarney huhu (hoo-hoo') miffed/ angry hukilau (who'-key-lau) community fishing party hula (who'-la) Hawaiian dance imu (ee'-moo) underground oven ipo (ee'-po) sweetheart kahuna (kah-who'-nah) priest kai (kah-ee) sea kamaaina (kah-mah-aye'-nah) native/ local resident kane (kah'-ney) man/ sign on men's room kapu (kah'-poo) taboo/ forbidden kaukau (cow-cow) food keiki (kay'-key) child kiawe (key-ah'-vay) mesquite tree kokua (koh-koo'-ah) help/ assistance/ aid kona winds (ko'-nah winds) winds that blow against the trades lanai (lah-nye') balcony/ patio/ also island name lauhala (lau-hah'-lah) tree- leaves used for weaving lei (lay) necklace/ garland of flowers lolo (low-low) stupid lomilomi (low'-me-low'-me) massage/ also raw salmon lua (loo-ah) bathroom luau (loo'-ow) party/ feast/ cooked taro leaves mahalo (mah-hah'-low) thank you mahalo nui loa (mah-hah'-low new'-ee low'-ah) thank you very much makai (mah-kah'-ee) direction toward the sea malihini (mah-lih-hee'-nee) newcomer/ visitor/ stranger mauka (mau'-kah) direction toward the mountains mele (meh'-lay) chant/ song muumuu (moo-oo-moo-oo) loose/ long dress for all occasions nani (nah'-nee) beautiful ohana (oh-hah'-nah) family/ extended family okole (oh-koh'-leh) butt/ rear/ bottom okolemaluna (oh-koh-leh-mah-loo'-nah) toast/ bottom to the moon (luna) luna (loo'-nah) moon ono (oh'-noh) tastes good opu (oh-poo') stomach pahoehoe (pah-hoy'-hoy) ropy lava pakiki head (pah-key'-key head) stubborn pali (pah'-lee) cliff/ escarpment paniolo (pah-nee-oh'-loh) cowboy pau (pow) the end/ finished pehea oe (peh-hay-ah oh'-ee') how are you? pilikia (pee-lee-key'-ah) trouble poi (poy-ee) cooked taro corn pounded into paste puka (poo'-kah) entrance/ hole/ parking space pupule (poo-poo'-ley) crazy/ pixilated pupus (poo'-poos) hors d'oeuvres shaka (shah'-kah) great/ perfect wahine (wah-hee'-ney) girl/ woman/ sign on ladies' room wai (wah-ee) water wikiwiki (wee-'kee-wee'-kee) be quick/ hurry/ quickly Hauoli la hanau (hah-oo-oh'-lee lah hah-nah'-oo) Happy Birthday Mele Kalikimaka (meh-lay kah-lee-kee'-mah-kah) Merry Christmas Hauoli makahiki hou (hah-oo-oh'-lee mah-kah-hee'-kee ho-oo) Happy New Year